
All further information related to payments.

Can I cancel my DStv World subscription?
We would be sad to lose you, but yes you can. Depending on the date you cancel and the kind of subscription plan you have, you will have access to the websi...
Fri, 2 Aug, 2019 at 2:57 PM
Why did I recieve an email saying that there is a problem with my payment?
There could be many reasons although the most common reasons are that the card has expired or been cancelled. Sometimes there may be insufficient funds.
Fri, 2 Aug, 2019 at 2:58 PM
Why did I not get a free 14 day trial when I subscribed to DStv World?
If you have already registered with us before or the billing details are associated with a previous subscription, you may have already had access to a free ...
Fri, 2 Aug, 2019 at 3:00 PM
Why have I been charged a nominal amount when I signed up for the free trial?
In some instances we may need to check the validity of your credit card by using an authorisation hold for a nominal amount. This is a temporary step which ...
Fri, 2 Aug, 2019 at 3:02 PM